Saturday, January 21, 2012

Carolina Hurricanes Fan Pack

Earlier this week I received a fan pack from the Carolina Hurricanes. In the regular sized envelope were two stock photo cards, a 2011-12 schedule, a waterless tattoo, and a sticker. Both the sticker and tattoo featured the team's logo. Tattoos are not something I have found before in fan packs but it is a neat idea, and it seems every team sends out logo stickers which I quite like. The schedule, again, is something virtually every team sends out, but the two photo cards were pretty weak as they were bent in half (leaving a sizable crease down the middle). One of the cards features an unknown player with his head cropped out of the photo and the plain text 'Carolina Hurricanes' at the bottom; I don't really understand how such a generic photo card would get someone excited about a team, especially when it looks like garbage after being sent through the mail. The second card was worse as it again looked like garbage with a massive crease down the middle from being folded to fit inside the envelope. The worst part is that it features a minor player from the 2006-07 Hurricanes roster -Chad LaRose. I suppose the Canes want their fans to be excited about what they had accomplished in the past and not what they are attempting to do this year? Perhaps even more puzzling is why they wouldn't feature their big star, Jeff Skinner, who started his first year in the NHL with the Canes last year and finished the season off by winning the Calder trophy? Bizarre.

While I appreciate receiving a fan pack, this is one of the poorest fan packs I have received thus far. The Hurricanes would be much better off sticking to the tattoo, sticker, and schedule.

Send an e-mail to to request your own Carolina Hurricanes fan pack.

Originally posted Jan 15th, 2011

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