Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fan Packs & Other Web Freebies

So I recently discovered that you can get free stuff over the internet! OK, I might be a little behind the times on this 'discovery', but it's still new to me! What I found out was that there are ton of organizations you can e-mail and ask for free 'fan packs' to be delivered to your doorstep. Not every organization will do so and nor will they arrive in the same space of time. However, I figured it was worth a shot.

I started my quest for 'free stuff' by e-mailing every NHL team, MLB team, CFL team, and the majority of the NFL teams to inquire about receiving fan packs. When and if these packs arrive in the mail I will photograph the contents of the package and post the information here along with the team's contact information so you can do the same!

I am also slowly spreading my web of catching free stuff by mailing letters to various celebs, including athletes and stage stars. Again, I'll post the success stories here! Wish me luck!

***The following posts about fan packs & such were originally posted on my other blog Pickled Peanuts, but I decided that it made more sense to have these posts on my Sport /Collectible Card blog. So here we go!

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